Engagement Packages
Branding Package
A savings of more than $6,000!
- One AUA Daily News ePreview Leaderboard
- Your message is sent to 21,000 AUA members plus non-member registrants and previous attendees.
- AUA Daily eNews Premium Banner
- 4X frequency; maximum exposure.
- AUA Daily News Full Page
- Print and digital exposure all three days.
Some substitutions may apply if the above assets are sold out.
Deadlines vary. See individual product deadlines.
Three packages available
A savings of more than $7,000!
- Exclusive Exhibitor Email
- Your lead-generating email message is sent to AUA2025 attendees.
- Lead Gen & Product Sampling Program
- Provide product samples or promote your conference specials and thought leadership to drive traffic to your booth, interest in your solutions, and leads to your sales team.
Some substitutions may apply if the above assets are sold out.
*Your materials can go live in late March 2025 and remain on the site until the first 2026 ePreview is prepared/sent.
Deadlines vary. See individual product deadlines.
Three packages available
Traffic Building Package
A savings of $4,800!
- One AUA Daily News ePreview Premium Banner
- Announce your program or booth message early.
- Doctors Bag Insert
- Door-to-door delivery for your booth or program invitation.
- AUA Daily News Half Page
- Promote your booth message or program with print and email exposure all three days.
- AUA Daily News eHighlights Premium Banner
- Continue visibility for your message or your program on demand.
Some substitutions may apply if the above assets are sold out.
Deadlines vary. See individual product deadlines.
Three packages available
All rates are net. No agency discounts apply. Cancellations are nonrefundable.
All quantities herein are based on projected attendance and association membership numbers and, in some cases, projected non-member professionals, and are therefore not guaranteed.