Essential Guide to SHM Converge SOLD
NEW for 2025! Own the meeting welcome and orientation experience for SHM attendees
Opportunity: Exclusive advertiser receives front cover logo recognition and the back cover ad of the printed guide, as well as home page branded exposure on Meeting News Central, the official conference news site.
Reach: Up to 15,000 SHM members, other hospitalists and conference attendees.
Key conference details for attendees, including times, locations, important sessions and links (via QR codes) to essential conference resources.
Space reservation: Feb. 28, 2025
Materials due: March 7, 2025
$12,750 SOLD
Exclusive Opportunity
Opportunity: Advertising in daily conference emails with live event coverage and session recaps.
Reach: Up to 15,000 SHM members, other hospitalists and conference attendees.
Distribution dates: April 23, 24 and 25, 2025.
- 39.8% average open rate, compared to the live conference industry standard of 21.2%.*
- 6% average click-through rate, compared to the live conference industry standard of 1.24%.*
Traffic-Driving Content Ads
Traffic-Driving Content ads averaged 7,500 impressions and a 2.8%
click-through rate during SHM Converge 2024.
- Your invitation reaches attendees the day of your program or booth activity.
- Advertiser supplies an article up to 1,000 words for publication on Meeting News Central.
- Headline (up to 75 characters), company name and a 40- to 250-character article “teaser” will appear in the eDaily, as well as the words “Paid Advertisement.”
- eDaily teaser links to the article page, which can include a URL link. (Advertiser supplies article, image, headline and teaser copy.)
Include a calendar link to get your program or event on attendee schedules
Space reservation: March 25, 2025
Materials due: April 1, 2025
Rates | |
Leaderboard | $7,480 SOLD |
Premium Banner | $5,625 |
Traffic-Driving Content Ad | $5,625 |
Traffic-Driving Content Ad (per issue) | $2,970 |
A minimum number of ads must be placed for the eDaily to be published.
eHighlights and Award Winners
Opportunity: Advertising in the important post-conference science coverage email.
Reach: Up to 15,000 SHM members, other hospitalists and conference attendees.
Distribution date: May 2025
- 44% open rate, compared to the live conference industry standard of 21.2%.*
- 5.1% click-through rate, compared to the live conference industry standard of 1.24%.*
Traffic-Driving Content Ads
Traffic-Driving Content ads averaged 7,500 impressions and a 2.8%
click-through rate during SHM Converge 2024.
- Advertiser supplies an article up to 1,000 words for publication on Meeting News Central.
- Headline (up to 75 characters), company name and a 40- to 250-character article “teaser” will appear in the eHighlights and Award Winners, as well as the words “Paid Advertisement.”
- eHighlights and Award Winners teaser links to the article page, which can include a URL link. (Advertiser supplies article, image, headline and teaser copy.)
Space reservation: April 8, 2025
Materials due: April 15, 2025
Rates | |
Leaderboard | $3,150 SOLD |
Premium Banner | $2,625 |
Traffic-Driving Content Ad | $3,750 |
A minimum number of ads must be placed for the eHighlights and Award Winners to be published.
Opportunity: Advertising in the pre-conference email that covers sessions to be presented at the conference, industry events and exhibit hall activities.
Reach: Up to 15,000 SHM members, other hospitalists and conference attendees.
Distribution date: Mid-March 2025.
- 48.8% open rate, compared to the live conference industry standard of 21.2%.*
- 8.8% click-through rate, compared to the live conference industry standard of 1.24%.*
Traffic-Driving Content Ads
Traffic-Driving Content ads averaged 7,500 impressions and a 2.8%
click-through rate during SHM Converge 2024.
- Grow your program or booth attendance with Traffic-Driving Content Ads!
- Advertiser supplies an article up to 1,000 words for publication on Meeting News Central.
- Headline (up to 75 characters), company name and a 40- to 250-character article “teaser” will appear in the ePreview, as well as the words “Paid Advertisement.”
- ePreview teaser links to the article page, which can include a URL link. (Advertiser supplies article, image, headline and teaser copy.)
High-Performance Ad/ePreview Bundle
A bundle that gives you a High-Performance Ad on Meeting News Central and a Premium Banner in an ePreview!
- Six native ad spots are available in a prominent position on the home page of Meeting News Central, titled “Interesting Stories” for readers (see image).
- Advertiser content can be (or include) white papers, videos or any other content you wish to share with readers.
- High-Performance Ads are in a block on the home page, featuring your company name, image and headline.
- Ads rotate up and down the block, but also into a prominent standalone position on the home page, which will add a larger image and a story “teaser” to the above.
- From the home page, High-Performance Ads are linked to your content of up to 1,000 words with a large hero image.
- The High-Performance Ad block also appears on nearly all article pages.
- Your Premium Banner will be included in the ePreview! The ePreview is sent to 15,000 SHM members, registered attendees and other professionals.
Include a calendar link to get your program or event on attendee schedules
Space reservation: Feb. 25, 2025
Materials due: March 4, 2025
Rates | |
Leaderboard | $3,150 SOLD |
Premium Banner | $2,625 |
Traffic-Driving Content Ad | $3,750 |
High-Performance Ad/ePreview Bundle | $5,000 |
A minimum number of ads must be placed for the ePreview to be published.
Exclusive Exhibitor Email
- Your exclusive email sent directly to conference attendees.
- Advertiser-supplied email, subject to SHM approval.
- Content must be a booth driver or a conference-related event invitation (such as an industry program).
- Post-event content can include follow up conference announcements or tease upcoming news.
Reach: Conference attendees.
- Limit two the week prior to the conference, one each day of the conference and two the week after the conference.
- Work with your account manager to select a date.
Include a calendar link to get your program or event on attendee schedules
Space reservation: March 25, 2025
Materials due: April 1, 2025
Meeting News Central
- ROS ads and premium placements on Meeting News Central, the official conference news site for the SHM Converge ePreview, eDailies and eHighlights and Award Winners, as well as sponsored content.
- As push publications are read, each click on an article brings the reader to Meeting News Central.
- Conference attendees plus up to 15,000 SHM members and other hospitalists via links in the ePreview, eDailies and eHighlights and Award Winners.
- Months of exposure: Meeting News Central will launch in mid-March 2025, extending the reach of your linked advertorials, programs and resources before, during and after the conference.
Ads and content will remain on the site until the first 2026 ePreview is produced. Length of advertiser exposure dependent on date of purchase. Ads and content can be removed if requested.
Site metrics (2024):
- 15,007 unique pageviews
- 6,410 total users
Data collected March 13-April 25, 2024.
- Scientific breakthroughs and the late-breaking science presented at the conference.
- Information on Industry Programs.
- Hot-button topics, can’t-miss sessions and interactive activities.
Run-of-Site Ads
Ads rotate in display ad positions throughout Meeting News Central during the entire event cycle.*
All advertisers receive at least 25% SOV.
The ads listed below are available individually, or combined as a package.
These display ads appear on the home page and news channel pages. Leaderboard and rectangle ads also appear on all article pages.
- Leaderboard (970 x 90) and mobile leaderboard (300 x 50)
- Vertical (300 x 600)
- Rectangle (300 x 250)
Ads in some channels populate with content level.
*Length of advertiser exposure dependent on date of purchase.
High-Performance Ad/ePreview Bundle
A bundle that gives you a High-Performance Ad on the Meeting News Central and a Premium Banner in an ePreview!
- Six native ad spots are available in a prominent position on the home page, titled “Interesting Stories” for readers (see image).
- Advertiser content can be (or include) white papers, videos or any other content you wish to share with readers.
- High-Performance Ads are in a block on the home page, featuring your company name, image and headline.
- Ads rotate up and down the block, but also into a prominent standalone position on the home page, which will add a larger image and a story “teaser” to the above.
- From the home page, High-Performance Ads are linked to your content of up to 1,000 words with a large hero image.
- The High-Performance Ad block also appears on nearly all article pages.
- Your Premium Banner will be included in the ePreview! The ePreview is sent to 15,000 SHM members, registered attendees and other professionals.
Promote your booth activity or industry program with a High-Performance Ad/ePreview Bundle!
Space reservation deadline: Space is limited and available until sold out.
Materials due: For exposure from first launch, we encourage materials be sent by April 4, 2025.
Meeting News Central is regularly updated which allows for a confirmation of your plans at any time until the limited ad positions are sold out.
Rates | |
ROS All Positions (two available) |
$12,750 |
ROS Leaderboard (two available) |
$7,500 |
ROS Rectangle Ad (two available) |
$5,775 |
ROS Vertical Ad (two available) |
$3,000 |
High-Performance Ad/ ePreview Bundle |
$5,000 |